Fabric Structure And Design Analysis

» Woven fabric is produced by interlacing two sets of yarns, the warp and the weft, which are at the right angle to each other in the plane of the fabric.
» The warp is oriented in the direction of the length of the fabric and the weft in that of its width.

» Individual warp yarns and weft yarns are called “Ends” and “Picks” respectively.
» Interlacing of the ends and picks with each other produces a coherent structure. The repeating pattern of interlacing is called the “Weave”. 
Classification of Woven Fabric:
              Considering the woven structure, the woven fabric may be conveniently divided into two principle categories:
Ø  Simple Structure
Ø  Compound Structure

Features of Simple Structure:
» The ends and picks are interlaced with one another at right angle.
»In the fabric, threads of each group are respectively parallel to each other.
»  Only one series of ends and one series of picks are used in this construction.
»  All the constituent threads are equally responsible for both the aspect of utility or performance in a fabric and the aspect of aesthetic appeal.

Features of Compound Structure:
» More than one series of ends and picks are used in this structure.
»  Some of the threads may be responsible for the body of the fabric, such as ground yarns, whilst some may be employed entirely for ornamental purposes such as “Figuring” or “Face” yarns.
»  In this structure, some threads may be found not to be parallel formation one to another in either plane and indeed there are many pile surface construction in which some threads may project out at right angles to the general plane of the
      fabric. E.g.: Pile, Towel etc.